Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The raspberry photos are of us at Michael an Murissa's gpas house pickin raspberries. we got to picj for free! We picked a ton but by the next day they were almost all gone! they were so yummy! I also had to post this picture of Lyndsey on her 4th birthday. I think she looks just ike Leda in this picture. How funny! they should look so much alike! I sure miss Leda she would be 19 this year or is it 20? She would be going to college. I will be glad to see her again when we hopefully go to heaven too! anyway just got my computer all set up again so I should be posting more. I am hoping to have more time to make my blog fancier looking but we will see if I can get motivated enough. This pregnancy hurts! I have a recent picture I will post. I am huge already and have 81/2 weeks left till my due date! I really hope to go two weeks early. Please! I will post again once I download more photos from my camera! love you all melissa


Jess said...

Holy Cow! that picture totally makes her look like Leda!

Dream Until Your Dreams Come True said...

i want rasberries too! Oh they look so good.